Digital tools for the trade of windows & doors
You are a retailer in the trade of windows & doors?
In this case digitalization certainly plays a role in your business. Not only our private lives are becoming smarter, but also business processes, communication and marketing activities are becoming more and more digital. Questions often arise, that affect our own actions and business. Our digital toolbox tries to give an answer to essential questions in the window trade by offering suitable digital solutions.
Our digital toolbox offers solutions for window distribution. The tools have a modular and integrative structure, which enables the step-by-step digitalization of the value chain in window construction.
Use modern visualization technologies for the acquisition of new customers. With DBS WinDo Imaging you can use augmented reality to display window and door elements inside the house or outide on the facade. This visualization supports and provides security in the decision-making process.
Make window planning easy by using the intuitive planning software DBS WinDo Planning. The corresponding trade module facilitates all processes in the window trade: from coordination with window manufacturers, communication with architects and planners, to the installation process. You as a dealer maintain a complete overview of the entire process.
The team of DBS WinDo Experts supports you in all tasks of window sales. The basis for this is complete and always up-to-date master data as well as the ideal connection of your existing window construction software. Automatic price updates also make the calculation and pricing of your products faster and more stable. Our team tailors the entire process to your needs and supports you in making full use of your potential.
A small NFC chip completes the digitalization: DBS WinDo Flow covers all processes in window construction. A prerequisite for the solution is the small NFC chip, which is built into the window sash. All processes and tasks related to the product can be managed via the Cockpit. Thanks to the mobile app WindowPass even your end customers can benefit from the product. Service requests can be answered much faster and more specifically. In addition, product information including maintenance tips can be viewed. As a window dealer, you also benefit from this new communication channel, since you receive targeted inquiries. Maintenance work can be communicated easily and quickly. Even cross-selling offers can be sent directly to your customers’ smartphones.
Each solution of the digital toolbox is tailored to your needs individually. In this way, you can digitalize your processes around the window trade from project to project and step by step.