Glass front with a view of a city skyline
Jul 11, 2022

Walch Fensterbau GmbH & Co KG

We are convinced that we have made the right decision for the future by choosing DBS WinDo Flow.
Sebastian Walch
Managing Director Walch Fensterbau GmbH & Co KG
Logo Walch Fensterbau

Wooden windows with the digital view

The topic of digitalization plays a decisive role at the German window construction company Walch Fensterbau. In a conversation with Sebastian Walch, Managing Director of Walch Fensterbau GmbH, we were able to exchange views on the relevant topics of the future and the use of DBS WinDo Flow.

Since when have you been dealing with the topic of digitalization in window construction?

Sebastian Walch: Over the last two to three years the topic of digitalization in window construction has been increasingly important to us. The topic is visible in all areas of activity, from material procurement to production and installation. This is why in 2021 we were looking for a product, which could represent the entire life cycle of a window. Since we use the industry software from Horst Klaes, we came into contact with DBS. After getting to know the digital toolbox of DBS, we decided to use DBS WinDo Flow.

Why did you choose the solution WinDo Flow?

Sebastian Walch: The solution should motivate and not be a burden for our employees. In the past, for example, the documentation of completed orders was often perceived as very time-consuming. With WinDo Flow, this issue is now solved very appealingly through an intuitive and freely configurable questionnaire.

We were also convinced by the good scalability. Since the solution can be used by small to large companies, it was easy to implement even for us as a small family business - without having to directly tackle a huge and expensive digitalization project.

How long did the implementation take?

Sebastian Walch: After the start of the project in summer 2021, the implementation took about three months. Then we had the product in use for the first time. Due to currently exhausted capacities, we were able to take six more months until the daily use and the associated internal coordination.

Certainly, there were also challenges in the use and implementation. What were these?

Sebastian Walch: In our case, the biggest challenge was time. Since normal day-to-day business continues, of course, we had to create extra capacity for the project. In retrospect, the effort was worth it: we were able to optimize our processes and have been working more efficiently since then - which saves us time in our daily business today.

The coordination or implementation with the industry software Klaes also led to challenges in the beginning. However, together with our colleagues from Klaes and DBS, we were able to resolve these quickly.

In the meantime, how is the new workflow?

Sebastian Walch: Ideally, we already record an object when we prepare an offer and store all the relevant data, such as measurements, etc. If an order is placed, we can continue the digital documentation and save all the important documents, such as site plans, views, position plans, etc. The NFC chips are then programmed directly on the PC at the workstation using an NFC chip reader. Afterwards, each element is equipped with an NFC chip during production.

The app InstallationPro also facilitates the installation process: On the one hand, we can document our internal acceptance, but on the other hand, we can also store and manage the acceptance on site by the customer digitally. The end customer can also contact us afterwards via the WindowPass app and benefit from a modern communication process.

Since the WinDo Flow solution is modular and integrative, we are free to decide which aspects of the solution we want to integrate and use. This gives us maximum flexibility in the use of the solution.

What added value or benefits have you achieved with WinDo Flow since then?

Sebastian Walch: The biggest benefit for us is the consistent documentation, which not only saves time, but also money and paper. We have been able to structure our internal processes much better and make them more efficient with the help of the solution. This not only pleases me as managing director, but also my employees, who visibly enjoy using the app.

You said that your employees enjoy the app: What are main advantages for your employees?

Sebastian Walch: Our employees are very positive and open-minded about the solution. That is by no means the case with every innovation. A particular advantage for our colleagues is the quick overview of their own pending assignments and tasks. The intuitive documentation and the comprehensive history of an object with the individual tasks are also perceived as very helpful.

What is your conclusion about the application?

Sebastian Walch: We are convinced that we have made the right decision for the future with DBS WinDo Flow. The product now only needs to be pushed and marketed more by us. Currently, we are effectively introducing the NFC chips. This also includes the acquisition of architects, planners and property developers as well as our regular customers.

About Walch Fensterbau GmbH & Co. KG:
The German window manufacturing company Walch from the tranquil town of Remchingen/ Baden-Württemberg has been a true family business since its foundation. After Manfred Walch initially ran the company as a sideline business, his own production hall was built in 1995. Since then, the company has grown steadily and is now run by Frank and Sebastian Walch, the second and third generations respectively. The company manufactures high-quality windows, entrance doors and special elements made of wood and wood-aluminium in its own production facilities using the latest CNC technology. The company's portfolio is complemented by the installation of the in-house manufactured and other purchased construction elements.

For further information, please visit the website (in German):

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NFC chip on the wooden window of the German company Walch Fensterbau

NFC chip on the wooden window of the German company Walch Fensterbau

Sebastian and Frank Walch
Sebastian and Frank Walch after a successful (initial) installation of the NFC chips in a new building. The entire installation process is documented in the app including the digital acceptance protocol.
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